Our aim is to help our clients ensure age verification compliance whilst delivering smooth customer onboarding

With our range of age verification solutions, we help you improve your ID checks by deploying UI and UX to verify customer age and reduce customer abandonment

HooYu is the choice of KYC provider for leading gaming operators such as Betfred and GiG to quickly and smoothly verify customer age whilst minimising customer drop-out. At HooYu we focus not just on helping operators comply with the regulations, but we also provide UI and UX tools to help maximise the success of age verification whilst delivering a great customer journey.

How does HooYu work?

How it works

HooYu has not only complied with all the requirements from the UK Gambling Commission they have created the best possible KYC process when customer documentation verification is required.


By integrating HooYu we can reduce KYC review times from hours to minutes.


HooYu Clients