The HooYu team request the pleasure of your company at the HooYu Sotogrande Polo Party

We’d like to invite you to the Santa Maria Polo Club on Friday April 12th.

Sotogrande is famous for hosting some of the most prestigious polo tournaments, attracting top players including world Nº1’s Adolfo Cambiaso and Facundo Pieres.

We are excited to have you join HooYu for a few fun hours at one of the best Polo Clubs in the world. Enjoy the excitement of watching a live Polo match and indulge in a traditional Asado barbecue and drinks, if you are feeling adventurous you can even learn some Polo basics with training from the Santa Maria Polo Club Clinic.

You will even have the chance to hit the bocha on their wooden practice horse!

To RSVP please complete the form below