Pay out securely with HooYu Card Check

Part of our mission at HooYu is to help our clients with all stages of the Know Your Customer process, from onboarding to pay out and help them reduce instances of fraud from their business.

We’ve launched Card Check, a payment card referencing tool that allows you to be absolutely sure of whose account you’re paying into.

Reduce fraud

Card Check also means you can prevent your business from funding the fraudsters and actively assists in preventing financial crime. As part of the KYC customer journey Card Check allows you to make sure that no money leaves the business except to go into the correct customer account.

Enhance your KYC journey

Our new card scanning feature works seamlessly with our existing know your customer infrastructure to prevent and detect account takeover and identity theft.

Card Check allows your business to elevate its KYC process while creating a fast and secure method of verifying your customers. Pay out securely using payment card referencing and rely on a solution that proves your customers are who they say they are.

Secure data all the way down

Card Check comes with a number of built-in security assurances to protect customer data. Card images are redacted immediately and we delete card images once the operator has used the API to retrieve the redacted card images and results.