Are trust and identity holding back further growth of the sharing economy?


Five ways to analyse and grow participation
in the sharing economy 

Identity is the first part of the trust process, based on the assumption that if a person is using their true identity then they are likely to behave honestly and responsibly in way that creates a positive outcome.

Fast forward to today and eBay for example has over 158 million active buyers and 800 million listings worldwide and AirBnb has facilitated 10 million nights of accomodation.

However, whilst such heady numbers suggest mainstream use, what participation rate is the sharing economy enjoying and is concern around identity and trust holding back participation and growth?

We surveyed 2,000 consumers for this report to answer these questions.

Download this report to gain insight into:

  • Participation rates in the sharing economy (as low as 32% in the UK but significantly higher in the US)
  • Consumer attitudes to trusting strangers (61% have trust issues)
  • Participation & trust rankings by type of sharing transaction
  • How identity checking increases trust and participation