Faster and more secure employee vetting has arrived!
In the following webinars will explore how these checks work, what candidates need to do and how this enables faster screening. We also look at how best to handle candidates who may not be able to comply with Digital ID checking.
HooYu & Veremark webinar – 13th October, 10am UK
Join us in this highly interactive session, as we gather questions from the attendees (during registration) and have them all answered. Together with HooYu Director of Sales, Martyn White, and Luke Rees, Client Director at Veremark, we will also cover:
✅What is changing and why?
✅The framework – what does it cover and what do employers have to do?
✅How will this change my day to day?
✅Would it be worth leveraging someone like Veremark to do this?
Digital ID – What you need to know about this new trustmark
13 October 2022, UK GMT 10:00 AM
HooYu & Mitie webinar – TBC October, UK
Join us as we explain what’s changed, post-October 1st, in Right to Work and criminal record check ID screening options and the benefits digital ID screening technology offers. HooYu’s Camerson Azhashemi and Mitie’s Sam Wheeler will help you understand:
✅What has changed and why?
✅What you need to do to be compliant with the new law
✅The benefits of digital ID screening
✅How the HooYu ID verification platform works when it comes to Right to Work checks
Using live data, from the first two weeks of the solution launch, we will also examine:
✅How users are responding to the journey
Digital ID verification for Right to Work – Getting to grips with the changes
TBC October 2022,
HooYu & Konfir webinar – 27th October 2022

Digital ID and employment verification – What’s next for digital recruitment, open data and the Trust framework?
27th October 2022, UK 12PM