In the last year or so we have signed-up many new clients for HooYu Investigate from pretty much every sector of the UK economy. 

HooYu Investigate is a unique data visualisation and investigation tool giving users the power to uncover hidden links to people, businesses, addresses, phone numbers and much more.

New clients for our enhanced due diligence and customer investigation platform include

Online gambling operators like Ladbrokes who need to conduct enhanced due diligence on players to prevent problem gambling.

Retailers like Boots who needs to prevent and detect fraud across all their business channels.

Government departments like the Department for Education who verify contractors, suppliers and those who operate free schools.

Local councils like Tower Hamlets whosd Environmental Health team are responsible for landlord licencing and making sure properties are fit for habitation, using Investigate gives them the intelligence they need in a platform that makes it faster then previously possible.

In light of the fact that we’re signing clients from nearly every industry, we decided to enter the National Technology Awards to show how data visualisation technology developed in a small corner of London is making a big impact on the national stage.

We’re delighted to say we won the category: Analytics Project of the Year 2019. Here’s why we won…

We make analysing big data simple

By taking multiple data sources, cleaning, merging and matching them, we are able to give users a 360 degree view of the subject of their investigation. Instantly see connected addresses, co-occupants, contact details, directorships, shareholdings and much more with just a click of a button.

We help speed up investigations 

Our knowledge graphs enable you to investigate faster and more effectively, by visually seeing how intelligence is connected you can uncover aliases, new addresses, known associates that would have been overlooked using traditional methods.

We uncover hidden connections  

By merging data and enabling the investigator to expand on any piece of intelligence they are able to see how seemingly unconnected people, addresses or businesses  are linked. With our shortest path function for example, you can see how any two search subjects are connected, for example, find out how an individual is connected to a business or an address connects to a phone number.

We help you build intelligence

It’s not just about the data points that we connect in a knowledge graph but also the additional intelligence that you are able to call on at a click of the mouse  such as property ownership, description and valuation details, get financial intelligence such as CCJ’s and insolvencies, even verify contact information to see if a mobile or email is still in active use.

So, what’s next?

Moving forward we are working with our customers to take advantage of the intelligence they hold internally. Most fraud and watchlist data is held in a siloed environment that is only updated by adding new records and old data sits and stagnates. By merging it with our trillions of data points it becomes clean and updated, helping organisations take full advantage of that intelligence uncovering links and preventing fraud. The future of Investigate is helping all organisations take advantage and build on the intelligence they already have.

Thanks to all the companies and judges who voted for HooYu Investigate.  Here’s a question to finish – what would you like to visualise in a knowledge graph?  Please let the team know at

13th April 2020 - David Pope